About Us

Who We Are

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Fathers In Front of Bars is a non-profit organization in the United States. We are passionate about assisting the growth of children of incarcerated individuals. We want to make a conscious effort to encourage children and parents to build a relationship to help the children heal through the incarceration process and allow the parent to reintegrate into the family and society easier.
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Fathers In Front of Bars

We are a non-profit organization in the United States. We started in 2022 because we saw an increasing need for assisting the children of incarcerated individuals. Fathers in Front of Bars finds motivation thanks to our commitment, professionalism, and experience. We make a conscious effort to encourage children and parents to build healthy relationships with great communication.

Fathers in Front of Bars believes in the powerful emotional bond between a parent and their children. That's why we offer mentoring programs, resources, and assistance to incarcerated parents and their children. We schedule visits, assist them with an Internet connection, deliver valuable resources, and more.
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